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Initial beta

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 15, 2004

Phar0e: it can look like anything you want, it's skinnable, or you can set it to be skinned by Windowblinds.
It's much easier to configure than a Litestep popup, but obviously a lot less customizable it doesn't have hundreds of modules the way LS has, although it does support a "plugin" feature, so maybe plugin programmers can contribute to make this app even cooler.

Here are  a few screenshots:

on Oct 15, 2004
Moving on...
I still get no results from Systray no matter what configuration I try. Thought it might have to do with the settings for the Taskbar so I unchecked the "hide inactive icons" - no go. Like to know if anyone has gotten this part to work and if so how.

I've had the program unload windowblinds many times under different circumstances (sometimes just having the menu open). Maybe "unloading" is incorrect. If I go to the appearance tab under Display Properties it shows the current windowblind. If I apply another blind it works and then I can reapply the blind I was previously using.

In case it's important
Windows XP SP2
Pentium 4 - 2.8 ghz
Latest version Windowblinds 4.4+
Not using DX,OD or Iconx, do have Sysmetrix 3.24 running

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on Oct 15, 2004
Hey paxx - like that skin!

(I'm using Gilden now - but I've turned it blue!)
on Oct 15, 2004
Thanks Paxx. Looks pretty good!
on Oct 15, 2004
I'm using Gilden now - but I've turned it blue

Hehe, I did that too!
on Oct 15, 2004
Ask Stardock to add a checkbox option to Hide Desktop Icons like the Hide Taskbar option just like in Object Bar. It seems much faster then the desktop menu option from Object Bar...Good so far!

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on Oct 15, 2004
Not correctly loading the current WB skin (in screenshot I am using the StealthOS WB). 3 entries of the MFU option get blanked out with solid blue bars (see screenshot). Mouseover brings back the menu, but has some remnants (see screenshot).

Current Windowblind conversion:

Weird blockouts:

Remnants from blockouts:

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[Message Edited]
on Oct 15, 2004
New version now available on SDC
on Oct 15, 2004
Hey!, good news- I installed update. This resolved the conflict with "ObjectDock", animations are back. This doubled the "cool factor".
[Message Edited]
on Oct 15, 2004
Weird block highlighting still present as well as the remnants. MFU section should expand to show 'as many as will fit in section' and scroll up and down if too big. Also, systray icon no longer appears.

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[Message Edited]
on Oct 15, 2004
Werewolf, they changed the tray icon, looks like a small cursor over a piece of paper.
on Oct 15, 2004
rebooted just to see...have systray icon now. seems as though if I add anything to the default configuration, I get that blocking.

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on Oct 16, 2004
Font problem
pm/am and date on clock are dislayed as illegible characters
Got same problem with objectbar
Regional settings: Greek
How can I change the font used on rightclick menu (and objectbar)?

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on Oct 16, 2004
gfidias: you can change the font used, in SkinStudio. Just open up the .obskin file and hunt through the settings.

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[Message Edited]
on Oct 16, 2004
thanks - so easy, makes me feel stupid I was so fixed on searching for some kind of centralized settings to make all skins use a Greek-compatible font (something like the wb overrides) that I never thought of checking the skin dirs.

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